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The Amazing Spiderman Logo

The piece was done in Adobe Illustrator CS5.  I was browsing through fonts and saw one based on the Amazing Spiderman, so I decided that it would be cool to make one of my own name in the Spiderman theme.

I was intrigued by the new Spiderman movie, even though I haven't seen it, I am an admirer of the pre-movie Spiderman.  I had the pleasure to even work on a Spiderman: The Movie computer game while at Activision.

I downloaded the font the_amazing_spider_man from  The uppercase letters are solid and the lowercase letters have a white fill with a black border.  I took the font, aligned it to the right, and added a Warp Envelope Arc with various settings.  Then I re-sized it as best I could.

I added a spider from the Nature Symbols palette, re-sized it, rotated it, and then positioned it to the left of the text.  I wanted it big, and since it was a nice vector graphic, it would look good no matter what size.

Next I wanted a web, I looked for one in the symbols pallets but I could not find one so I decided to make one myself.  I just drew one vertical and one horizontal line, then I grouped and copy and pasted it on top, then rotated it and re-positioned it on the center of the other line.  I then drew three circles of increasing sizes. 

I then selected and grouped the circles, added a Pucker Effect to it which gave it the curved web look.  then I added a Brush Stroke to the web so that it would look more natural.

I had the web and text on separate layers with the text turned off while I worked on the web.  Now that the web was done, I turned the text back on.  I placed the text layer on the top and realized that the text on top would get lost in the graphics below.  So a typical thing I do is to add a white border behind the text to separate it from the graphics below.

The spider was placed on top, so with three different layers of art, I hope it does not appear completely flat, but has some depth without having to try too hard.

When I started out, I mean to do a tutorial, but this ended up being a 30 minute piece.  I took the 30 minutes and edited down to about 1 minute and 30 seconds.  The edit job was very rough.  I am still trying to figure out a good format.

I will redo the video when I have the time.  I have a much better understanding how things work now.  I will also be adding in sound and voice over with subtitles.

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